There are seven years of schooling in the secondary cycles of the European Schools.
The exceptional characteristics of education at the European school include a large number of elective subjects, high-quality language teaching, intercultural exchange with pupils across Europe, and high-level science teaching.
The secondary section of the European School of Strasbourg, which accepts pupils from the age of eleven, comprises three language sections: German, French, and English. In conformance with the European Schools programmes, learning support is available for pupils in difficulty.
Years 1-3 (Observation cycle)
From the first year of secondary school (S1), pupils begin the study of a second foreign language (Language 3), follow a course of integrated sciences of four periods per week, and take compulsory art (two periods/week), music (two periods/week) and ICT (one period/week).
In the second year (S2), pupils follow the same courses, with the option to add Latin (two periods/week).
Beginning in year three, history, geography, and ethics courses are taught in the pupil’s first foreign language (Language 2). Pupils who have begun Latin in S2 continue it in S3.
Years 4-5 (Intermediate cycle)
In the fourth and fifth years, pupils choose between a basic mathematics course (four periods/week) and an intensive course (six periods/week). Three science subjects (biology, chemistry, and physics) are obligatory, each at two periods per week. Pupils may also choose among numerous options, including Latin, Language 4, economics, art, music, and computer science. In the fifth year, pupils begin preparing for postsecondary education and careers with an obligatory professional internship.
Years 6-7 (Baccalaureate cycle)
Before entering year six, pupils choose among a large array of options to design a programme suited to their future studies and professional interests. In years six and seven, pupils prepare to sit the European Baccalaureate, composed of five written and three oral examinations. Formative and midyear summative assessment of the seventh year work also comprise an important part of the final Baccalaureate mark.