École européenne de Strasbourg

“I’d like my life to be a wonder…”

On 30 May and 1 June, 60 students, actors and musicians, came together to set to music and act out the wonders of Alice’s life, a dynamic and joyful version of Lewis Caroll’s famous story, revisited by French author Fabrice Melquiot under the title “Alice et autres merveilles”. The sixty pupils from classes S1 to S3 in the three language sections had been practising under the guidance of Lisa Fischer (choir), Luc Hausmann (band), Selina Kenny (EN theatre), Catherine Weyl (FR theatre) and Birgit Ritter (DE theatre) throughout the school year and during a three-day trip to the Vosges so that they could present this trilingual show to their parents and to the pupils in the three P5 classes, who gave the performance a huge round of applause.