Nursery school and P1, P2: 25 hours 30 mins per week
Nursery School
Morning reception from 08:00 to 08:20 am
Afternoon reception from 1:00 pm |
Morning timetable: all school days | |
8:10 am: beginning of morning lessons | ||
11:35 am: end of morning lessons
except Wednesday: end of class 12:15 pm |
Afternoons Monday, Tuesday, Thursday | Friday afternoons | |
1:00 pm: beginning of afternoon lessons | New:
No school on Friday afternoons |
3:35 pm: end of afternoon lessons | ||
P1, P2
Morning reception from 08:00 to 08:10 am
Afternoon reception from 1:20 to 1:30 pm |
Morning timetable: all school days | |
8:10 am: beginning of morning lessons | ||
12:05 am: end of morning lessons
Except on Wednesday: end of class 12:30 pm |
Afternoons Monday, Tuesday, Thursday | Friday afternoons | |
1:30 pm: beginning of afternoon lessons | New:
No school on Friday afternoons |
3:20 pm: end of afternoon lessons |
P3 P4 P5: 27 hours 15mins per week
P3, P4, P5
Morning reception from 08:00 to 08:10 am
Afternoon reception from 1:20 to 1:30 pm |
8:10 am: beginning of morning lessons |
11:55 am: end of morning lessons
Except on Wednesday: end of class 12:25 pm |
1:30 pm: beginning of afternoon lessons | |
3:30 pm: end of afternoon lessons |
Please note that on Wednesdays (for all) and on Fridays (for M1M2s and P1P2s), the children who eat in the canteen must be picked up à 1.30pm or be enrolled in afterschool care.