École européenne de Strasbourg

The Model European Council

From March 26-29th 2024, the first Model European Council for Accredited European Schools (MEC-AES) took place within the premises of the European Parliament. MEC-AES is a political simulation of the European Council and the Council of the European Union, and it was proudly hosted by the European School of Strasbourg.

During MEC-AES, a total of 185 participants from ES Strasbourg and other Accredited European Schools (RheinMain, Helsinki, Tallinn, The Hague, EIPACA-Manosque and Gaston Thorn-Luxembourg), as well as special guest schools (Lycée Internationale des Pontonniers and the Lycée Français de Bogotá), took upon the roles of the European Commission, the Ministers of Government of the 27 EU member states, members of the press, or as part of the Internal Media and the Logistics and Organization teams.

Eight legislative proposals were presented during the council meetings. Topics such as the enlargement of the EU, FRONTEX reform, strengthening current AI legislation and combating cybercrime, regulating shell companies and tax evasion, the agricultural sector and achieving carbon neutrality, the future of EU-BRICS relations, as well as deepening cooperation on European security and defense– were some of the legislative proposals that were vigorously debated, amended, and voted upon.

During the last day, an emergency debate took everyone by surprise, where participants had to quickly think on their feet while trying to find solutions to control a cyberattack on the EU’s energy grid.

MEC-AES was an overall success, and it will fortunately continue to take place in the years to come. Thank you to all involved!