Model European Council (MEC) in Frankfurt

During March 27-29, 17 EES students participated in the Model European Council (MEC). The event took place at the European Central Bank and was organised by ES Frankfurt. 5 of our students represented the delegation of Poland during the much heated debates, 10 were part of « The Impartialist » press team, and 2 students were part of the Internal Media Team. Congratulations to the participants for making MEC-Frankfurt 2019 a huge success!    

Participation in the AFS Forum: « S’engager pour la paix en Europe »

During November 9-10, eighteen students from the S5 Ethics-EN and S7 Ethics-EN courses participated in the forum organised by the American Field Service (AFS) denominated « S’engager pour la paix en Europe ». The participants learned firsthand how to develop and implement a community project aimed at creating peace, and also heard from peacemakers around the world effecting positive & peaceful change.  

ECJ and Court of Auditors Study Visit

On October 16th, S7 Geography-EN students visited the European Court of Justice and the Court of Auditors in Luxembourg.  The visit was organised to learn more about EU institutions, as well as the current issues & challenges the EU is facing.